Thursday, July 5, 2007

Student Comments about my teaching.

Mr. Grimshaw is an excellent teacher. I love his classes because he`s very passionate about his subject, and he likes to transfer that passion to his students, he wants us to like English as much as he likes it.
He has really fun ways of teaching, like watching movies and videos or reading different fun types of stories. I especially love when he teaches poetry because he knows a lot of interesting poets and he knows different, original authors. Sometimes you`re having so much fun that you`re learning without noticing.
Besides he has a great personality, he makes you laugh and he`s very understanding with each of his students. We`ll miss you Mr.G!!!
Camila Rodriguez Year 9

With Mr. Grimshaw I’ve learnt more than with any teacher in my entire life. He is passionate, enthusiastic and takes special care on making his lessons interesting and fun. He is a wonderful tutor too. I had a great time during his lessons and even during register because he is always smiling and ready to begin. He is supportive and understanding with everyone and is constantly trying to improve, he takes our opinions and ideas seriously and his teaching method is really effective: have fun and make learning accidental, yet very real.

I don’t think I will ever have a better tutor or English teacher, thanks to him I improved my writing enormously an enjoy poetry and literature even more. He helped me craft some of the best pieces of work I’ve done. Who is going to teach me about Shakespeare’s plays Sir?! Don’t Go!!!!!!!

Not only is he an incredible teacher, he is an incredible friend and human being. I cannot thank you enough for everything that has happened during these 2 years so I‘ll just stop here. We love you Sir you are the best!
Andrea Mariana Islas Year 9

Mr. Grimshaw is a great teacher, especially when it comes to poetry! He has great ideas for his classes and he knows how to make them really fun. Every class we learn something new, interesting and entertaining; just by the way he gives his classes you can tell he loves what he does.
It’s really bad that he’s going, it will be a very big loss for the school, and we’ll miss him a lot. Mr. Grimshaw knows very well how to work with his students, he really tries all the time that they understand him and we do (most of the time, if not we only give him a wave.) Mr. Grimshaw is not only a great teacher he is also a great tutor because he is very understanding and he can be a great friend.
I really hope he’ll visit us because we will miss you Sir!!!
Rebeca Ruiz Year 9

Mr. Grimshaw is the best English teacher and tutor I’ve ever had, his classes are really interesting and the two years he had been here I learned the most. He makes his classes interesting and fun; I learn the best his way. He’s not just a great teacher, he’s a great friend. You can always count on him for homeworks, personal problems, and that’s what makes him the best Tutor and teacher. He’s really passionate to his work.
Maria Ortega Year 9

Mr. Grimshaw was an extraordinary English teacher; he taught me a lot and in a very fun way this past two years. He is also an excellent tutor and couldn’t ask for a better one we always have fun in both English and tutor periods.
I’d really like if he could stay a lot more in Mexico but he has made up his mind and decided to go to Vancouver. I really think he has got a great opportunity over there like he had here in Mexico he wanted to go and learn about that new culture. I do think whom ever he teaches English will do greater than they have with past teachers ‘cause he does know how to teach. He taught me the conjugations of all tenses and I did well on both exams after those “boring” classes of grammar.
We also did many activities which I’ll miss because I really don’t know if I’ll get to do them with the next English teacher, in all of the reading activities we have done a lot of team work and he encourages us to work with different people every time and although our class is not big, every time I got to know someone better than before. The final projects were always outstanding and when we had to do an essay by ourselves, we wouldn’t really get bored because they would be about themes we care or take some interest to. I wish him a lot of good luck over in Vancouver and really see him as a friend as well as an extraordinary teacher.
Carlo Sanabria BetancourtYr.9

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